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Berdetta Hodge, Vice President

Berdetta Hodge has served as a proud leader for our community and schools for over twenty five years - first as a student and now as a parent and advocate. Currently, she serves as the elected Vice President of Tempe Union High School District Governing Board. Berdetta has had the honor to serve on several site and district advisory committees, booster clubs, and parental engagement groups for Tempe and Phoenix schools. She is very active with the Black Students Union groups in the Tempe Union, where she volunteers as mentor and assists with their community engagement efforts.


Additionally, Berdetta serves as a board member and Vice President of the Booker T. Washington Child Development Center in Eastlake, Phoenix, the Mesa Art Center Foundation, a member of the East Valley NAACP leadership team as an education liaison, and as the First Vice Chairwoman of the Legislative District 26 Democrats.  As an endorsed member of Arizona’s List - the leading organization electing pro-choice women, Berdetta actively works to help women get elected around the state of Arizona.


Berdetta often states that her biggest accomplishments are her two wonderful sons Jevin and Jazin.  Jevin, graduated from The George Washington University and serves as the Vice Chairman of Arizona Democratic Party and Jazin, is currently a student at New York University.


Berdetta’s favorite quote is “Our fingertips never fade from the lives we touch.”

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