Tax Credit Donation 2017
Dear Friend of Booker T. Washington Child Development Center Inc.:
With the close of another tax year just a few months away it’s a good time to consider your tax credits and donations for the year. As a friend of Booker T. Washington Child Development Center Head Start Program, we hope that you will consider donating your Charitable Tax Credit to our school this year. All donations will go directly to support our Head Start program and the services that we provide for our children and families The deadline this year has been extended to April 15.
The State of Arizona has authorized a Charitable Tax Credit of up to $200 per person ($400 per couple) to eligible charitable organizations like Booker T. Washington instead of paying it to the State of Arizona. Since 2013 our funding from Federal programs has been cut by nearly $500,000. As a consequence, our program is forced to make budget cuts, cuts in building costs, field trips, literacy supplies and teacher training. However these cuts will not be enough to replace the Federal funding without your help.
The need remains great. Costs continue to rise and funding remains low. Your donation will help to cover costs for classroom supplies, day care licensing and other student programs. Our families need your support. Every contribution will make a difference.
Please mail your check (in any amount) to Booker T. Washington Child Development Center Inc. or click below to contribute directly via Paypal or credit card. If you mail a check please make sure that your name and address are included so that we may send you a receipt.

Donate via PayPal
or credit card